AisyahISM: where is my beauty sleep?

where is my beauty sleep?

:t::t::t: بِسْمِ االلهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ :t::t::t:
I've turn sleeping ugly. Hahahahaaaa:119: My eye bag and dark circle is back. This is critical time for students. :face13:

I am on my mid term break. But:f: Here it goes. Starting to mumbling this and that.:face23: Talkative gone nuts even she is all alone in hostel right now.:134:

Term "BREAK" in mid-term break is soooo irrelevent when you got a bunch of Literally. Stop using mid-term break. Please:y: Let's use packed mid-term instead.

Not :22: a single day passed with a break. Yet my assignment is still there.:131: My deadly assignment for this sem is marketing. Guess Is not a simply mathematical problem, cause if it does I got no problem with that since I did very well in accounting and all. Not to be arrogant here.:face72: But I did. Just that, I actually have 4feets width of a plain white cloth to doodling :128: on it for marketing subject. Am I No, I'm NOT.

Graphic Department from UITM Puncak Alam will be in Malaysian's Book of Record with the longest doodle.:t: I'm a part of it. The only sole reason for me doing this isblogger-emoticon.blogspot.comI'm going to failed this subject if I'm not doing so.:face22: And the only reason I'm posting this in my blog cause I did sleeping and eating:39: on my piece of work- I really need to get away from this. But as a art and design student, we appreciate our own breaking sweat on our artwork.:face46: (no matter how big it was):104:


  1. all the best dear..any tips on moving on..please drop at my blog..hikss..btw..i adore yr english style..

  2. good luck kak ecah. nothing venture, nothing gain :)

  3. Well to me it's normal with that kind of situations . I have a lot problem especially before one weeks examination weeks. I was always at study room make a prepared for Calculus 3 , Oh calculus is darn difficult and lecturer did give a lot of tips but somehow I still don't know how to solve it .... In your situations , I know a lil bit of stress but In shaa Allah you'll find the way how to make it "good" . You know what I mean right ? Haha . Goodluck for your studies .Ganbatte ! - ( Syamsid Blog ) -


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