AisyahISM: aisyahISM Short Story Compilation

aisyahISM Short Story Compilation

:t::t::t: بِسْمِ االلهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ :t::t::t:

First of all, this is just something I wrote:u: a long time ago. When I just a pretty little in high school uniform and dream big to be a writer:90: someday somehow.

But time:f: flies away that I can't even catch up with it.:face22: I stumble, I failed, I give up on things while I'm trying to pleased everyone.:face23: Except that someone. ME:x:

I forgot my I learn graphic design. And I tried very hard:n: to make a new dream - be a graphic designer. But, I do realizes it wasn't my dream all the I still wanna be a writer. blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comStory teller. So, I'  gonna share my story and bring back that pretty little nerd - who always dream big within me. Enjoy.:131:

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