AisyahISM: Solve it for me :p

Solve it for me :p

..السلام عليكم

Harini cah xada buat apa. In fact I'm just bumming around and roll over the place in my blanket. But, it will riun my cute image. hahaha! So then I'm karaoke online just to cheer myself.

All I did these days are thinking. Yup! I'm thinking so much. Indeed, I spent every second, every minutes thinking about my future. Cah tahu, I shouldn't thinking so much for something that we wouldn't know the result yet. But, macam mana kita nak tahu yang istiqarah kita tu dah terjawab atau tak?

Cah tak punya banyak masa yang tinggal sekarang. Kinda running out the time. And Cah still tak tahu, what should I do now? Okay, here the problem.

You have a job, walaupun you not really doing very well but you suka sangat dengan job tu. And something happen, you putuskan untuk mohon tukar branch of the same company but a same position of job. Okay, in reality ini mustahil, but.... I'm giving example here. Just imagine right? But somehow, permohonan tu dapat dekat Sarawak and current job maybe Perak? What would you do?

Cah just kinda want to hear some feed back. Mana tahu comment and feed back you all tu bantu Cah untuk buat keputusan since I have to berusaha juga cari jalan penyelesaian not only depends on istiqarah and bantuan Allah seratus peratus. That's all.

XOXO - Ecah

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