AisyahISM: Antagonist


Pernah terfikir tak kenapa seseorang Antagonis bertindak kejam, jahat dan nampak segala keburukannya? I mean, watak jahat selalunya nampak very well-rounded as a bad person with a bad personality. In a movie, YES. In reality, I would say, SO-SO. Maybe? Nailed it. Hahahaaa!

But, Cah tak rasa seseorang tu tak berhak dapat peluang kedua untuk berubah. I see it this way, kalau semua orang tak nak bagi diaorang yang pernah di 'label' kan sebagai 'jahat' ni chance, tak rasa ke you all's actually menyumbang kepada sifat antagonis dlm diri dia tu makin teruk? Macam lagi push dia untuk jadi seorang yang 'lagi jahat'? Ini just my silly thought. Everyone have their space to make their own conclusion.

Semua orang boleh berubah yang. Plus, I don't really think that, seseorang yang ada sifat antagonis dlm diri ni could be veryyyyy awful and bad person.  Each of us have a bad and good side. Ada juga yang bertindak luar kawalan until others fikir they are bad people even they have a good intention. Just diaorang buat dengan cara yang salah. Tu je. For a normal girl like me, Cah mengaku, I did this sort of thing a couple time in my life. Maybe this year, I think? Hohohoooo.

Just saying this stuff because, Cah ada kawan sekolah dulu yang.... She fighting during break time. Cah dan N (bukan nama sebenar) kononnya nak hentikan pergaduhan tu, but everyone thinks we both involve in a fighting. It was defenseless one. Tak ada peluang langsung to speak out the true. Nak buat macam mana dah orang yg nak di tolong tu pun ckp kitaorg gaduh sekali. So, it end just like that. Apa yang sebenar-benarnya jd tu, let it be among 7 of us. By the way, that was my first time others see me as antagonist character.

Right after this matter, dia pindah, lost connection dan tak tahu lah apa dia dah go through all this time. Tak tanya. But, orang dah minta maaf kita maafkan sj lah. Plus, this old stuff, dah tak ingat pun. Dah tak rasa apa-apa bila ckp psl ni lg. Alih-alih dia ingatkan pula. Ermmm.... Just flashback I think. Ngeee~

Well, kesimpulannya... Kita buat baik macam mana pun, tetap akan ada orang yang see us as antagonist character. Bukan yang terang tang-tang jahat sj di 'label' kan antagonist. Some are innocent too. They just be at a wrong place at the wrong time. Allah swt nak uji kan. Just try to put yourself in their shoes sometimes.

Tapi, selalunya in real life, person with antagonist character ni, we only figure out at the end of story or bila diaorang have a bad ending. Selalunya macam tu. Well, being an antagonist itself is not a fate but it's an option. Because I believe, each of us have a pencil and eraser on the other hand to lead our own fate, our own future either in a bad or good way. Depends on yourself yang. Seriously.

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