AisyahISM: Alhamdulillah


Bersyukur banyak2 sbb rasa macam hajat Cah untuk ada blog mini yang kawaii but banyak function dah almost tercapai. Senyum lebar sampai ke pipi.

Plus, most of icon , image and blah-blah-blah is originally my drawing and my copyright so it only MINE. Haurm, marah ke sayang. Almost midnight right now. So, I actually spent one whole day bodek code2 dkt html tu untuk letak welcome note atas post title , icon sebelah title , chatbox dkt header , also note bawah entry. Doing all this by myslef. Tanpa rujuk mana2 tutorial and have no guide at all tapi tah macam mana. I manage it all. *tepuk bahu sendiri

Seriously, Cah tak sedar langsung cepatnya masa berlalu. And Cah dah duduk depan lappy ni more than 14hours. I'm struggle to much for my own wish, huh? Kesian lappy ni sebab terpaksa layan selfishness tuan dia. Well, Cah nak bagi lappy ni rehat sekarang after all this charge on off up until now. Cukuplah tu. *cubit pipi

By the way, alhamdulillah sbb rasanya hajat masa zaman sekolah dulu dah half way there. klik sini kalau nak tahu. :)

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